Rick Weaver Said
We received an email from Rick Weaver commenting on our new employee Tyler. We are thrilled when we get this type of feedback and are also proud of Tyler for going above and beyond the customer’s exceptions.
Jeff, I want to commend your employee Tyler for the work he did for me today. My Polaris had a broken belt. I took the unit apart before going to your store for replacement belts because the wheel (the forward wheel on the right) also felt very loose. On visual examination I could see the wheel was broken. So I took the whole contraption to your store about 10 on Saturday. Tyler looked at it and said I needed a replacement wheel and he could fix it then and there.
So he took the unit apart, replaced the belts and wheel, and put it back together again. When testing the unit it seemed the gears might be stripped. About that time several other customers showed up and Tyler had to attend to them since you were boondoggling at a football game. He was about to replace the entire gear assembly. While he was attending to other customers I played with the unit and noticed there was some play in the drive wheel – when held a certain way the gears worked fine, but if you put a little pressure on the wheel, the gears would slip. I pointed this out to Tyler when he finished with the last customer and instead of replacing the gear assembly, he replaced a wheel bearing – the part was half the cost of the gear assembly and fixed the wobble in the wheel. All of this took less than two hours even with several other customers and phone calls. I really appreciate the work Tyler did for me because I would still be back on the patio cursing at the unit if I had tried to do this myself.
Congratulations on getting such a fine employee. Keep him happy, he’s a keeper!
Rick Weaver